A report released by Tufts Center for the Study of Drug Development concludes that FDA approved more cancer drugs and faster than European regulators during 2000-2011.

(Pills at Hamburger Bahnhof. By yourjoyismylow ; via Flicker)
- FDA approved 33% more cancer drugs during 2000-2011 than their counteparts in Europe (EMEA): 40 new drugs in US vs 30 in Europe.
- FDA approval rate is also faster than Europe
- But, in US the drugs were about 9% more expensive.
Read more analysis of Tufts data at these sites:
- Tufts study: Cancer drug approvals in US outpace approvals in Europe. By Chris Reidy. Boston Globe. July 10, 2012.
- U.S. Patients Get Access To More Cancer Drugs, But Pay For The Privilege. By Mathew Herper. Forbes. July 10, 2012.
- New cancer drugs debut faster in U.S., but they cost more. By Tracy Staton. FiercePharma. July 11, 2012.
Cost of Cancer Drug Development, 4 Billion. Cost to Patient, 0.1 Million. Benefit, Priceless! Business Model, Unsustainable. July 8, 2012.
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