Sunday, April 14, 2013

Three Decades of SEER Data Confirms That Mammogram Screening Does More Harm Than Good

Nearly one-third or 1.3 million women over the past 30 years were overdiagnosed with breast cancer (ie, their tumors would have never led to clinical symptoms in their lifetimes) in the United States,  according to the research published in the November 22, 2012 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine. 

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Serious Doubts on Biosimilars Ability to Rise Over the Cancer Biologics' Patent Cliffs

The year 2012 saw conversation on the pricing structure and affordability of oncology drugs taking a center stage with commentaries, such as, "The Truly Staggering Cost Of Inventing New Drugs," by Mathew Herper in Forbes pegging the cost of inventing and developing these drugs at $1-$4 Billion, to news about Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center saying "NO" to Zaltrap (Sanofi's drug for colon cancer, then priced at $11,000 per month) for providing a marginal 1.4 month survival benefit. (Sanofi has since cut the price by 50%.) 

What will rein in these Aston Martin-like price tags. At least Herceptin will lose its patent protection soon. Right? And biosimilars will force the price down. Wrong! Those banking on biosimilars to bring the cost down to earth are in for a rude shock.