The two sides of cancer triangle are modern "wonder drugs" that zero in to the tumor lumps and rogue metastatic cells and, second, multiple approaches directly addressing the nasty chemotherapeutic side effects. The critical third element is "emotional management." This is where, since 2004, Lilly Oncology on Canvas(SM), co-sponsored by the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS), has been helping patients, their caregivers and healthcare providers, their family and friends, by providing a forum to express, share and come to grips with the life altering changes that come with the diagnosis of cancer. (read more here, watch on youtube)

The top selections for this year's Lilly Oncology on Canvas(SM) sums up the ways in which this Lilly's Art endeavor is helping people touched by cancer. People diagnosed and living with cancer need to somehow imagine, visualize and share the unexpected changes happening in their bodies and life. To quote, Thomas P. Sellers, ". ..Lilly Oncology On Canvas is a celebration of life in the face of cancer. . ." (see Lilly press release here and here)

(screenshot: prnewswire)
"Wild Water" (2nd from left) by Annette Zalewski of Peroria, Ariz, who was diagnosed with lung cancer, is a cut-up painting where she paints once, then again a second time a little crooked, cuts up both paintings and weaves them together; she says, it represents "life had been cut up, rearranged and become a different picture." "Breathing Room" (1st from left) is a collage of lungs by Victoria Kelly of Baldwin, Mich, also a lung cancer patient, is (in her words) an attempt "to visualize what was happening inside my body through my art." The leaves and flowers surrounding the lungs represent hope. Juliana Carvatt created "No Words" by converting a story of her melanoma diagnosis, that she wrote on paper into an artwork. (read full article here)
Hats off to Lilly for creating a medium that brings fall colors in the life of someone staring at cancer winter, and filling it with a hope of early spring via Art.
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