Both diabetes and cancer have long preoccupied public-health concerns, strained national budgets, and are associated with complications that may affect quality of life. They also share some of the same risk factors, such as age, smoking, weight gain, and a diet poor in fruits and vegetables. The earliest link between diabetes and cancer was alluded to in the 1930s,[1,2] however, convincing epidemiological evidence has emerged only recently proving an association between diabetes and cancer.[3]
The segment of the population affected by diabetes or breast cancer is large. Type 2 diabetes, which includes 90% of all diabetes diagnoses, affect 7% of the adult population, and 15% of people over 60 years of age.[4] Breast cancer will affect 1 in 9 women in their lifetime,[4] and 16% to 20% of women with breast cancer have diabetes.[5] The percent of breast cancer patients with previously undiagnosed or delayed diagnosed diabetes may be as large as 30%.[5]... Read complete post here

Malik AK. The Link Between Diabetes and Breast Cancer. Chemotherapy Advisor. March 14, 2012. Accessed March 19, 2012.
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