If the year 2011 was the year for the 5% of skin cancers, this is the year for the 95% majority. Last year saw approvals of two new melanoma cancer drugs, vemurafenib and ipilimumab. But, this year may be dubbed as the year when the other skin cancer called basal cell carcinoma finally gets a new Erivedge loaded Webley.
Skin cancer is the most common type of
cancer in the western world—40% of all cancers are skin cancers with 80% of skin cancers being
nonmelanoma, and primarily basal cell carcinoma.
Over one million new cases of basal cell carcinoma are diagnosed every
year in the United States. The incidence in the United States is 0.5-1%, but Australia
with a 2% rate has the highest rate of basal cell carcinoma in the
world. Ultraviolet rays from sunlight, sunbathing and tanning beds
are among the major modifiable risk factors. Individuals with
light-colored skin, blue or green eyes, and blond or red hair are
particularly susceptible.
Basal cell carcinoma looks like pink pearly pimples. If left untreated they can spread to the surrounding areas, into eyes, nasal cartilage, or deeper into muscle and bone. The cancer originates in the basal cell layer of the epidermis, the
outermost layer of the skin.
The painless, slow and outward growing
tumors of basal cell carcinoma are commonly managed with surgical
excision, and it rarely spread to the deeper tissues or metastasizes. The common treatments are Mohs surgery (named after a Wisconsin surgeon, Frederick Mohs), local radiation and imiquimod topical cream.
some patients cancer progresses to advanced or metastatic stage. The
advanced disease is defined by the spread of lesion to surrounding
areas and also includes patients where surgery is not a viable option
due to risk of substantial deformity.
patients with advanced or metastatic disease have poor prognosis with
the median survival time of 8 months. Genentech's new drug
vismodegib (vis-mo-DE-jib), approved by the FDA this January, is a
very effective option for patients with recurrent basal cell
carcinoma who cannot be treated with surgery or radiation.
Vismodegib (aka GDC-0449, RG3616, HhAntag691; Trade name: Erivedge)
is a potent and specific small molecule inhibitor of hedgehog
signaling pathway.

I Studies
Vismodejib was tested
in an open-label, multicenter, two-stage phase I trial in 68 patients with
various solid tumors. Of these 68 patients, 33 had advanced basal cell carcinoma. Out of 33 patients, 18 had a positive response (2 had
complete and 16 had partial responses) to the drug, 11 had stable
disease for up to 10.8 months, and only 4 patients had progressive
of 33 basal cell carcinoma patients in the study, 18 had metastatic
disease and 15 patients had advanced cancer. Among the 18 patients
with metastatic disease, the overall response rate was 50% (95% CI,
29 to 71) and it was 60% (95% CI, 33 to 83) in 15 patients with
advanced disease. The median duration of response was 8.8 months.
In this study, the
investigators tested three doses, 150, 270 or 540 mg per day. The
patients received a single oral dose on day 1 and then every day
starting day 8. There was no dose-limiting toxic effects or Grade 5
adverse events during continuous and daily administration for up to
19 months. There was a single Grade 4 event, an asymptomatic
hyponatremia, deemed unrelated to the study drug.
results pointed to high potency and negligible toxicity. The
investigators chose 150 mg per day for the pivotal Phase II trial
because doses greater than 150 mg did not increase plasma drug levels.
II pivotal trial (ERIVANCE
BCC/SHH4476g trial)
multicenter, two-cohort, single-arm, open-label phase II trial was
conducted across 31 sites in US, EU and Australia. There were 71 advanced
basal cell carcinoma and 33 metastatic basal cell carcinoma patients in this study. All patients
received 150 mg vismodegib per day until disease progressed or
intolerable toxicity was observed. The results were announced in a press release on June 20, 2011, by Roche, Basal, and were presented at
the Seventh
European Association of Dermato-Oncology (EADO) Congress, Nantes,
France (Abstract C014,14:50. CET).
overall response rate, ORR, (visible shrinkage or healing of lesions
or tumors) was observed in 43% of the patients with advanced cancer
and in 30% of patients with metastatic disease when judged by the
independent review board (primary endpoint); the study investigators
determined the ORR to be 60% and 46% for advanced and metastatic
disease, respectively (secondary endpoint.)
median progression-free survival (PFS) was 9.5 months. Seventy-five
percent of the treated patients had prolonged stable disease for more
than 24 months (ie, clinical benefit rate of 75%.)
most common adverse events included muscle spasms, hair loss, altered
taste sensation, weight loss, fatigue, nausea, decreased appetite and
diarrhea. While 25% pf the patients had
one or more serious adverse event (SAE), it was related to treatment only in 4% of the patients (SAEs in 21% patients were due to other per-existing conditions). Also, there were seven deaths (7% of cohort) but none of the deaths
was related to vismodegib treatment.
filed for FDA approval in September and received approval on January 30th, 2012. The estimated cost of a 10-month course is $7500 per month is in line with other targeted therapies in the market today.
Vismodegib is also undergoing trials for operable forms of basal cell carcinoma.
Hedgehog pathway and vismodegib
word “hedgehog,” Hh in short, comes from the spiky appearance of
fruit flies carrying mutations in this gene.
Hedgehog signaling, along with other morphogenic pathways, such as Wnt and Notch, controls proliferation and differentiation in developing embryo. Few roles of Hh pathway have been described in the adults, including proliferation of hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow, neuronal stem cells and stem cells in the mammary glands.
are three secreted forms of hedgehog proteins (hedgehog ligands) in
vertebrates: Sonic hedgehog (SHH), Indian hedgehog IHH) and Desert
hedgehog (DHH); the first was named after a video game and the other
two after species of hedgehog, the animal.
cell membrane receptor of Hh protein called Patched1 (PTCH1) is
active in the absence of Hh ligands. Active PTCH1 inhibits a protein
called Smoothened (SMO) which is located in the intracellular
endosomal membrane: active PTCH1 inhibits the migration of SMO to a
cilia (called primary or nonmotile cilia which is present in all
mammalian cells) where the targets of SMO called Gli proteins (GLI1,
GLI2 and GLI3) reside. Without SMO migration the activation pathway
hits a dead end.
Hh ligands bind and block PTCH1 activity and thus, relieves SMO from
inhibition which can now translocate to the primary cilia and lead to
the activation of Gli to their activator forms (GliA). The activator
GliA enters nucleus and transactivates Hh target genes. Hh target
genes involved in cell proliferation include cyclins and
cyclin-dependent kinases; the those involved in differentiation, including angiogenic and neurotropic factors.
outcome occurs if the cells carry activating mutations in the SMO
gene. Activating mutations in SMO gene are fairly common in basal
cell carcinoma and meduloblastoma.
Nearly 100% of basal cell carcinomas are driven by dysregulated hedgehog signaling pathway: approximately 90% of the spontaneous basal cell carcinomas have loss-of-function mutations in PTCH1 gene, and the other 10% have activating mutations in SMO gene.
Vismodegib is a specific inhibitor of SMO.

Picture Credit: Huangfu and Anderson. Development 2006. http://dev.biologists.org/content/133/1/3.short ;Fig. 1.The Hedgehog pathway in Drosophila and vertebrates. The Hedgehog (Hh) pathway in Drosophila (A,B) and in vertebrates (C,D) in the absence (A,C) or presence (B,D) of the Hh ligand. [...]. (C) In the absence of Hh, Ptch1 prevents the accumulation of Smo in cilia, possibly through the action of a small molecule. Gli3 is processed into a repressor form (Gli3R) in a cilia-dependent manner. The activation of all Gli proteins is inhibited by Sufu, Iguana (for zebrafish) and probably Cos2. (D) In the presence of high levels of Hh ligand, Ptch1 inhibition is relieved; Smo is targeted to cilia and activates Gli proteins in a cilia-dependent manner. Gli3 processing is also inhibited. p, phosphorylation; PKA, protein kinase A.
Grolin's syndrome, also called basal cell nevus syndrome (BCNA), is a rare autosomal genetic disorder. It is characterized by a loss-of-function mutation in PTCH1 gene which maps to chromosome 9q22 and results in constitutive activation of the hedgehog signaling pathway.
Grolin's syndrome patients have many spontaneously occurring basal cell carcinoma tumors, and often have facies, calcifications and bony abnormalities, such as, bifid ribs and spina bifida occulta.
Unlike general population, where basal cell carcinoma occurs during the midlife years, Grolin's syndrome patients have many tumors starting from a relatively young age. Vismodegib offers hope to these patients as was profiled in the story about Orit Rindner, 46, a Grolin's syndrome patient from Tel Aviv, who participated in the phase II clinical trial. The story was profiled in the Chicago Magazine last May.
Other Hedgehog pathway inhibitors in development
Cyclopamine, a natural product from corn lilies, a steroidal alkaloid, is a potent SMO antagonist, but it is not an ideal drug. GDC-0449 (vismodegib) is the first synthetic SMO inhibitor is enter clinic and marketed. Other SMO antagonists in development include,
- BMS-833923 (Bristol-Myers Squibb)
- IPI-926 (Infinity)
- LDE-225 (Pfizer)
- PF-04449913 (Pfizer)
- Caro I, Low JA. The role of the hedgehog signaling pathway in the development of basal cell carcinoma and opportunities for treatment. Clin Cancer Res. July 1, 2010;16(13):3335-3339 | PubMed|
- Huangfu D, Anderson KV. Signaling from Smo to Ci/Gli: conservation and divergence of Hedgehog pathways from Drosophila to vertebrates. Development. 2006 Jan;133(1):3-14. | PubMed |
- Rubin AI, Chen EH, Ratner D. Basal-cell carcinoma. N Engl J Med. 2005 Nov 24;353(21):2262-2269. | PubMed | Scholar |
- Rubin LL, de Sauvage FJ. Targeting the hedgehog pathway in cancer. Nat Rev Drug Discov. 2006 Dec;5(12):1026-1033. | PubMed| Scholar |
- Skin Cancer Module: Practice Exercises [online.] EXCITE: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Available at http://www.cdc.gov/excite/skincancer/mod10.htm. Accessed March 5, 2012. ... EXCITE! (Excellence in Curriculum Innovation through Teaching Epidemiology and the Science of Public Health) is a program of CDC and Science Olympiad. This webpage has general information about skin cancers.
- Pivotal study showed vismodegib helped shrink tumours or heal lesions in people with rare form of advanced skin cancer [online press release]. Basal, Switzerland:Roche; June 20, 2011. Available at http://www.roche.com/media/media_releases/med-cor-2011-06-20.htm. Accessed March 4, 2012. ... describes vismodegib phase II trial data
- Pollack A. Drugs show promise slowing advanced melanoma [online]. New york Times. June 5, 2011. Available at http://www.nytimes.com/2011/06/06/health/research/06melanoma.html. Accessed March 5, 2012 ... about vemurafenib and ipilimumab successes in clinic
- Springen K. New pill offers alternative for skin cancer care [online]. Chicago Magazine. May 2011. Available at http://www.chicagomag.com/Chicago-Magazine/May-2011/New-Pill-Offers-Alternative-for-Skin-Cancer-Care/. Accessed March 4, 2012 ... profiles a Grolin's syndrome patient who participated in vismodegib trial
- Stenger M. Gathering data point to potential advantages of vismodegib in basal cell carcinoma and other advanced cancers [online]. ASCO Post. 2011 Dec 15. Vol. 2, No. 18. Available at http://www.ascopost.com/articles/december-15-2011/gathering-data-point-to-potential-advantages-of-vismodegib-in-basal-cell-carcinoma-and-other-advanced-cancers/. Accessed March 4, 2012 ... describes vismodegib phase I and II trial data
- Von Hoff DD, LoRusso LM, Rudin CM, et al. Inhibition of the hedgehog pathway in advanced basal-cell carcinoma. N Engl J Med. 2009 sep 17;361(12):1164-1172. | PubMed | Scholar | ... describes vismodegib phase I trial data
Pronunciation key:
Vismodegib (vis-mo-DE-jib)
vemurafenib (vem-yoo-RAF-en-ib)
ipilimumab (ip-ee-LIM-yoo-mab)
Deploying Immunotherapeutic Drones for Cancer. December 20, 2011.
Vemurafenib Seeks Wider Audience. January 30, 2012.
Vemurafenib Seeks Wider Audience. January 30, 2012.

Von Hoff, D., LoRusso, P., Rudin, C., Reddy, J., Yauch, R., Tibes, R., Weiss, G., Borad, M., Hann, C., Brahmer, J., Mackey, H., Lum, B., Darbonne, W., Marsters, J., de Sauvage, F., & Low, J. (2009). Inhibition of the Hedgehog Pathway in Advanced Basal-Cell Carcinoma New England Journal of Medicine, 361 (12), 1164-1172 DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa0905360
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